I almost forgot how much I love to eat. Now that I'm feeling so much better, I crave for everything that comes to mind! For the past 2-3 weeks, I only threw up 3-4 times a week but who cares?! Compared to what I had been through the previous months, it's considered nothing. I'm on the mission to 'ganti puasa', and still has the remaining 3 days to go. Chayok!
Another thing is my nose is not as sensitive as before and it's such a relief. I start to wear perfume, skincare and make-ups again and I have return to the old bubbly EcLaSs. Families, friends and colleagues are glad to 'have' me back. Oh! I'm driving again, went to Alor Star last week and met in-laws after a long time.
P/S: I was half-way through the entry when I decided to stop and drove to Leomag just to get a Blueberry Cheese Waffle (I drool just by looking at the picture above). I ate the whole waffle and drove back home and completed the rest of this entry! Life couldn't be much happier. Alhamdulillah..
Another thing is my nose is not as sensitive as before and it's such a relief. I start to wear perfume, skincare and make-ups again and I have return to the old bubbly EcLaSs. Families, friends and colleagues are glad to 'have' me back. Oh! I'm driving again, went to Alor Star last week and met in-laws after a long time.
P/S: I was half-way through the entry when I decided to stop and drove to Leomag just to get a Blueberry Cheese Waffle (I drool just by looking at the picture above). I ate the whole waffle and drove back home and completed the rest of this entry! Life couldn't be much happier. Alhamdulillah..
tau dak, kami lak, masa pegnen ni, cukup dengki tgk org len makan..hahaha
kami nak apa yg org len makan..
kalo xnampak lagi, xpa..kadang2 tatau nk makan apa, tp bila nampak org makan,mulala melilau cari:)
p/s:la ni, dok mencari kueh samperit..tp xjumpa2 lagi..budak dlm perut lak dok menendang2..hehe
ni terlioq lak nampak waffle tu!
huhu, kami pun ada perasaan camtu, tp kami truih mintak nk rasa dr org tu ja :P
pi la beli waffle leomag, sedap!
Well done baby! U've passed wif d flying colours! Keep it up baby~ hehe
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