Last Saturday hubby and I went to N9 together with mama and abah to visit Granma and relatives. We planned to start our journey at 4.30 am but hubby and I couldn't get up so early because we stayed up late watching American Idol result show and Twilight the night before. So we left home at 7.30 am and reached Mantin at 2.30 pm (we got lost somewhere in KL, HeHe..).
After getting some rest at Granma's that afternoon, we went to visit some relatives in Felda LBJ and Mambau. Later at night, we made a plan to wake up early on Sunday and go visit my cousin in PD and have a picnic with the whole family there before we continue visiting other relatives. Meanwhile, hubby and I planned to slip out in the evening so we can go straight to Pavilion and buy my dream Charles & Keith shoes. That's my only chance!
While everybody was sleeping, abah got a call from Pak ngah telling Pak su had just passed away. We packed all our bags and drive straight to SP at 3.45 am. Poor hubby, he was so tired but I managed to make him stay awake during the journey. I couldn't drive a manual car and since we used hubby's, he had to endure the 14-hour drive within 24 hours all by himself.. Mama was so sad about his late-brother and abah is not really fit to do a long distance travel during a short time. They are old people and they must be more tired compared to us the young ones.. I was so worried during the whole journey back to SP but luckily everything went OK. Reached SP at 9.45 am and went to the funeral later. May Pak su rests in peace, Amin..
As for me.. I didn't get the Charles & Keith shoes.. I will still dreaming about it until I can get my hands on them..
After getting some rest at Granma's that afternoon, we went to visit some relatives in Felda LBJ and Mambau. Later at night, we made a plan to wake up early on Sunday and go visit my cousin in PD and have a picnic with the whole family there before we continue visiting other relatives. Meanwhile, hubby and I planned to slip out in the evening so we can go straight to Pavilion and buy my dream Charles & Keith shoes. That's my only chance!
While everybody was sleeping, abah got a call from Pak ngah telling Pak su had just passed away. We packed all our bags and drive straight to SP at 3.45 am. Poor hubby, he was so tired but I managed to make him stay awake during the journey. I couldn't drive a manual car and since we used hubby's, he had to endure the 14-hour drive within 24 hours all by himself.. Mama was so sad about his late-brother and abah is not really fit to do a long distance travel during a short time. They are old people and they must be more tired compared to us the young ones.. I was so worried during the whole journey back to SP but luckily everything went OK. Reached SP at 9.45 am and went to the funeral later. May Pak su rests in peace, Amin..
As for me.. I didn't get the Charles & Keith shoes.. I will still dreaming about it until I can get my hands on them..
again, takziah ye..
oo, xleh drive manual eh..rugi2..hehe
tp kami pun, kalo bley drive pun, dh malas nk drive..
amri je bawak nye..
kami tidoq ja..hehe
time kasih..
kami dah lupa la drive manual sbb asyik bawak auto ja tetiap ari..
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