The absence of someone important is making me depress during this weekend. Hubby is away somewhere in Perak as a chaperone to his students whom involved in drama competition. I've become restless without him. We rarely fail to meet every single weekend since that is our last hope to really be like other couples (sadly, we are singles on weekdays). Even though he gave me a short visit last Thursday, the happiness ended as soon as he left.
Friday was dull and exhausting but I forced myself to drive to the nearest shopping complex to do some window shopping. The thoughts of buying new clothes / shoes / things could cheer me up but I ended up buying nothing. So I guess not being with hubby is really affecting the way my mind works..
Saturday is not over but I'm still doomed with an emptiness feeling, not knowing what to do. Later, I was invited to hang out at Old Town with Hafiz, Yus and their baby Elfy. It was fun and I'm lucky to have friends around during a bad day (the downside: I felt a twinge of envy towards them for having what I want, a baby of course..).
There's only one thing left for me to survive this weekend: to start on Breaking Dawn, 4th book of the Twilight Saga. I love the first three books after I finished reading them but I do have the slightest feeling they are quite sickly-sweet a.k.a corny.. Regardless of that, I'm hooked to know what is going to happen next. To be honest I suspects reading these love stories has made me oversensitive this weekend. It might be possible though.. You see, I've been reading those books (almost 1500 pages to be exact) nonstop since last week, no wonder it grows in me.. He He :)
Friday was dull and exhausting but I forced myself to drive to the nearest shopping complex to do some window shopping. The thoughts of buying new clothes / shoes / things could cheer me up but I ended up buying nothing. So I guess not being with hubby is really affecting the way my mind works..
Saturday is not over but I'm still doomed with an emptiness feeling, not knowing what to do. Later, I was invited to hang out at Old Town with Hafiz, Yus and their baby Elfy. It was fun and I'm lucky to have friends around during a bad day (the downside: I felt a twinge of envy towards them for having what I want, a baby of course..).
There's only one thing left for me to survive this weekend: to start on Breaking Dawn, 4th book of the Twilight Saga. I love the first three books after I finished reading them but I do have the slightest feeling they are quite sickly-sweet a.k.a corny.. Regardless of that, I'm hooked to know what is going to happen next. To be honest I suspects reading these love stories has made me oversensitive this weekend. It might be possible though.. You see, I've been reading those books (almost 1500 pages to be exact) nonstop since last week, no wonder it grows in me.. He He :)
ooo..baru paham..
erm..kalo nk ikutkan, sepanjang 2 bulan lebih lepas, kami pun cam ampa..
every weekend hubby outstation tuk siapkan akaun akhir..
so, jumpa sabtu/ahad ja la..
tp sebab kami ni ikut mood kot..
kdg2 dia xdak pun xpa, qasa sonok lak dok sorang2..xpayah wat qeja wife..kdg2 qasa sunyi..
sabaq ja la ek..
p/s:tp kalo hubby kami kuaq, lagi sakan kami jalan shopping!;)
ala ciyan bucuk2 abg tu..
xpa next week kita p cameron highlands nooohh... njoy njoy!! yuhhuuuuu
cik_ah82: kami dah mmg weekend ja jumpa, maka terasa la minggu ni ditinggalkan.. time dok kat bangi 4 bulan pun balik tetiap minggu :(
don: ye, nnt kita pi jalan2 minggu depan.. bulan 5 pun..
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